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Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition (5th Edition) by Ellen Green Wood, Samuel E.... ISBN: 9780205971978 List Price: $100.00
World of Psychology, The, Books a la Carte Edition (7th Edition) by Wood, Samuel E., Wood, Elle... ISBN: 9780205768424 List Price: $96.00
World of Psychology, the, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab by Wood, Wood, Samuel E., Wood... ISBN: 9780205819485 List Price: $112.67
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText -- Access... by Samuel E. Wood, Ellen Green... ISBN: 9780205218240 List Price: $106.67
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Plus NEW MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -... by Samuel E. Wood, Ellen Green... ISBN: 9780205972074 List Price: $114.67
Invitation to Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition by Wade, Carole, Tavris, Carol... ISBN: 9780134636009 List Price: $136.00
Statistics for the Life Sciences, Books a la Carte edition (4th Edition) by Samuels, Myra, Witmer, Jeff... ISBN: 9780321771766 List Price: $97.07
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition by Wood, Samuel E., Wood, Elle... ISBN: 9780205005055 List Price: $100.00
An Account of the many and great Loans, Benefactions and Charities, belonging to the City of... by Anonymous, Carte, Samuel, J... ISBN: 9781240928309 List Price: $26.75
World of Psychology, the, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab Pegasus by Wood, Wood, Samuel E., Wood... ISBN: 9780205819492 List Price: $112.67
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab by Wood, Samuel E., Wood, Elle... ISBN: 9780205005024
Invitation to Psychology, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab -- Access Card Package by Wade, Carole, Tavris, Carol... ISBN: 9780134896274 List Price: $149.33
Social Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition Plus REVEL -- Access Card Package by Aronson, Elliot, Wilson, Ti... ISBN: 9780134225609 List Price: $85.93
Statistics for the Life Sciences, Books a la Carte Edition by Samuels, Myra L., Witmer, J... ISBN: 9780133976182 List Price: $136.67
The New Monthly Magazine by Thomas Campbell Samuel Cart... ISBN: 9780371195550 List Price: $18.95
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Edition; What Every Student Should Know ... by Wood, Ellen Green, Wood, Sa... ISBN: 9780134496979 List Price: $134.67
World of Psychology, The, Unbound (for Books a la Carte Plus) (6th Edition) by Wood, Geoffrey, Wood, Wood,... ISBN: 9780205541621 List Price: $93.33
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab Pegasus (4th Edition) by Wood, Samuel E., Wood, Elle... ISBN: 9780205152315 List Price: $82.67
World of Psychology, The, Books a la Carte Plus Mypsychlab by Wood, Samuel E., Wood, Elle... ISBN: 9780205542260
Mastering the World of Psychology, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab Pegasus (3rd Edition) by Wood, Samuel E., Wood, Elle... ISBN: 9780205790456 List Price: $77.33
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